
Donate To The 8137 Productions Blog Project!

L Benjamin Fenton
I am raising funds for my Blog Project.
Please read the below summary of the business proposal.
To donate:
1) Hit the donate button
2) Send check or money order (Make check/M.O. payable to: Kathryn Troha) TO: 8137 Productions c/o L.B. Fenton, 3330 Cannon Ave, Klamath Falls, OR 97603
3) Email: 8137productions@gmail.com for other donation options
4) Call Ben at 503-960-0516 to arrange donations in Portland, OR

Dear Friends, Family, Acquaintances and Strangers,

0000Thank you for taking the time to read this summarized business proposal. I have been researching the idea of utilizing my writing and computer skills to develop a livable, residual income. After extensive research I have developed the business model I want to use as my platform both for online sales as well as utilizing years of writing skills that I have developed. The platform is professional blogging. More specifically, I plan to pioneer an exciting new style of blogging community, but for business reasons I am keeping the exact details secret until marketing time, shortly before my product is launched.
0000Though the word "blogging" was once obscure and rarely synonymous with business income or venture capitalism, it has risen in its own right, both as a cultural phenomenon and as a legitimate source of income for many dedicated bloggers. Just ask Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett, authors of Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income. There are thousands, if not millions of dollars to be earned in this rising market. As newspapers and other printed news media businesses collapse from being edged out by internet competitors as well as economic attrition, people are turning to blogs and other online journalism as sources of information. In recent times, blogging has exploded upwards, in terms of marketability and profitability.
0000My plan for publishing a for-profit blog is the culmination of months of research: I was searching for a platform to use my writing and creative talent to generate a reasonable, if initially modest, income. The following are just some of the reasons that I will be successful in the industry of for-profit blogging:

1) The fact that I have experience writing, blogging and working with many forms of designing on the web reinforces my confidence that I have the necessary skills, creativity and competence to see a valuable return for my work.
2) I am passionate both in my interest for writing and the issues and causes about which I write, as well as the technical aspects of blogging, which include not only designing sites but working with advertisers, negotiating with other bloggers, networking on multiple platforms, customer service, site maintenance and much more.
3) My interest in weblogging has only grown throughout the years; this is a long-term project to which I am committed. Contributors to this venture will see returns many times the fold, for many years to come- no matter what the deciding factor for contribution, whether you invest to see a monetary return for yourself or as a donation, which is an investment in my future.

0000There are many other factors involved and reasons to make a small contribution to this business venture, too many to list here. To keep it simple, I will conclude by explaining my goal for capital and what it will be spent on, as well as the two types of contributions I am asking for.
0000Even the smallest contribution will have a big impact on reaching my target capital. For example, 8 people putting in ten dollars apiece will cover my web hosting expenses for one year; 10 people contributing twenty dollars will help me purchase an inexpensive, used laptop with which I will write, post and manage my blogs and website. I will list the various elements and the order of priority these expenses achieve. The top three expenses will allow me to launch the project; the latter items are costs for me to maintain the site throughout the year. As businesses go, this is an extremely low-cost startup. On average, a for-profit blog run by a dedicated manager should expect to see enough returns with which to autonomously run the business in one year.
Expenses breakdown:
BlueHost Website Hosting, one year------------83.40
Barebones laptop computer-----------------------200.00
Advertising, initial six months---------------------150.00
Expected launch expense totals---------------$433.40

Projected yearly internet, phone and other overhead---$1110.00 (This is a calculation of my current internet and phone expenses plus advertising for six more months.)
Grand total of first-year expenses, projected: $1543.40
Additional advertising throughout the year will be necessary, but as those costs greatly vary, I have decided only to project the minimum budget for the purposes of this appeal.

0000As you can expect, the majority of these expenses I will be paying for myself, by way of good, old-fashioned hard work. But to launch this business; as an investment for my future; I am asking for friends, family and anyone else who believes in me and/or in my writing, my abilities and my ideas, to chip in and help me to realize this goal. Times are tough, but a small investment will see a great return- in more ways than one. Of course, not chipping in will not be taken as a sign that you don't believe in or care about me. Times are tough, and I understand that not everyone can afford to pitch in.
00000Donate and (unless otherwise requested) I will put you in the credits as a Co-Founder, in the "About" section, as well as write a special thank-you post for contributors. You will also receive an e-certificate thanking you for helping to create the 8137 Productions Blog Project. And you'll have my very sincere gratitude.
0000You can invest in two ways- as a donation or as an investment loan into the business, which will see returns with interest and/or profits accrued. To donate, simply hit the PayPal button below, or send a check or money order- (Make check/M.O. Payable To: Kathryn A. Troha) To: 8137 Productions c/o L.B. Fenton, 3330 Cannon Ave, Klamath Falls, OR 97603. If you would like to discuss an investment loan, please contact me at 503-960-0516 or write to 8137productions@gmail.com, and I'll explain to you how you can make money by investing in 8137 Productions.